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Drip & Stamped work together to create a seamless customer journey by automating review requests, replying to positive and negative reviews, and managing loyalty program communication

Email & SMS Marketing
Reviews, Loyalty

About Drip

Drip is a marketing automation platform built for Ecommerce - utilizing email, SMS and tight 3rd-party integrations to help businesses drive revenue. Drip gathers and organizes customer data, then enables Ecommerce retailers to use that data to make personalized omnichannel customer journeys at scale.

Use cases

  • Get the timing right

    Review requests (be it email or SMS) should be delivered at the right time to your customers. If you are included them in a post-purchase flow in Drip, ensure that you have set an appropriate buffer time to send the review request email so the customer sees value and experiences the product before writing their review.

  • Embed your referral codes in multiple emails

    Starting a referral program is the quickest way to implement loyalty. As it drives direct sales, you can measure the ROI quickly. Embedded referral codes in multiple emails makes it more likely for customers to remember and action on the referral program.

  • Add loyalty to your re-engagement campaigns

    A re-engagement campaign is a series of communications sent to customers when they haven’t interacted with your brand in a while. Sharing that loyalty program points are expiring or a special discount incentivizes customers to make a purchase before they expire.